Engineer. Zeyad Al- Zaza, Vice Prime Minister, Minister of National Income, MP Jamal Al- Khodari, Head of Board of Trustees, Dr. Kamalain Sha'ath, IUG President, Prof. Majed AL- Farra, Dean of the Faculty of Commerce, Mr. Abo Obayda Hafez Al- Agha, Head of the forum of Palestinian Works in Jadda, Dr. Rushdi Wadi, Head of the preparatory committee, Dr. Mohammed Miqdad, Head of the scientific committee, a large number of ministers, legal figures, representatives of governmental, non governmental and private institutions and a lot of students from the Faculty of Commerce participated in the conference.
The conference was sponsored by the forum of Palestinian works in Jadda, Jawwal company, AL- Quds TV, the Palestinian press agency "Safa", the Palestinian writers league and the Palestinian artists league.
The conference includes two scientific sessions: the first one discussed the strategies that should be followed to get rid of the impacts of the war and the siege on Gaza Strip. The second session highlighted the industrial sector in Gaza Strip and the challenges it faces.
A number of companies, institutions and organizations participated in the exhibition, some of them are: the national association for relief and development, care glass company, Al- Ramlawi company for plastic, AL- Awda factories company for food products, ….etc
Its is worth mentioning that 32 researches participated in the conference, and they discussed significant issues such as: poverty, unemployment, taxes, ….etc.
The conference shaded light on the losses of the Palestinian income, the need for distinctive projects, applying the successful ideas and improving the industrial, agricultural and productive sectors.
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